
1. Introduction

Cryptocurrency economics change fast. Prices move quickly, new technologies appear, and regulations shift. It's impossible to keep up with everything pouring out 24/7 and filtering out low-quality information.

Orb is an AI agent built by the Cointimes.ai team to help with cryptocurrency research. Designed for crypto traders, Orb tackles the three key challenges in crypto community: misinformation, outdated data, and biased insights.

Unlike other AI tools that give quick answers based on fixed data and trained weights, Orb uses real-time information from the web and blockchain. This helps avoid errors and ensures the data is current. Orb also takes a structured approach to research, breaking down questions into steps and gathering data from multiple sources to produce a detailed and accurate report from all relevant sources.

This whitepaper explains how Orb's approach offers a better way to handle the mountain of information and data in the crypto community.

2. The Problem: Limitations of Traditional AI Agents in Cryptocurrency Research

Traditional AI agents, such as ChatGPT, face major challenges in cryptocurrency research. These agents often rely on pre-trained models, which means they depend on fixed data and weights. As a result, they can quickly become outdated. Market trends shift within minutes, and new blockchain technologies and regulations emerge frequently. AI agents that are not connected to real-time data struggle to keep up with these changes. ChatGPT has started to do web-based data research to user prompts, but it's currently limited to a few sources and does not work with large amount of data.

For example, if a trader asks about the latest market trend or a new regulatory update, a traditional AI tool might provide an answer based on data that's already obsolete. In cryptocurrency, where prices can swing wildly in a short time, outdated insights can lead to poor decision-making.

Another issue is the risk of misinformation. Traditional AI tools often pull from static datasets that might contain biased or low-quality information. In a decentralized and rapidly growing field like cryptocurrency, where scams and false news are common, relying on old or unreliable data can lead to inaccurate insights.

Moreover, these AI tools typically provide quick, direct answers without deep research. They lack the ability to break down complex problems, leading to responses that are too simplified or, worse, wrong. This is especially problematic in crypto research, where understanding market shifts, technical blockchain details, and regulatory updates requires thorough, multi-step analysis.

These limitations—outdated information, misinformation, and shallow insights—make traditional AI agents less effective for cryptocurrency research. Without real-time data and a structured research approach, they struggle to provide the reliable, accurate insights that traders and researchers need to make informed decisions.

3. How Orb Enhances Its Capabilities

Real-Time, Up-to-Date Cryptocurrency Data:

Orb is designed to process real-time data from the web, focusing specifically on cryptocurrency markets. Instead of relying on static datasets, it constantly pulls in new information about market trends, blockchain updates, and regulatory changes. This allows Orb to provide the most current insights and adapt to rapid market shifts.

By using real-time data, Orb greatly reduces the risk of hallucinations or outdated responses, which is common in AI tools that rely on older, pre-trained models. Orb cross-checks data from multiple sources, ensuring that its insights are accurate and based on a broad range of reliable information.

Plan-and-Solve Mechanism Tailored for Crypto Research:

Unlike traditional AI agents that give quick answers, Orb uses a more advanced approach inspired by recent AI research on multi-step reasoning. When a query is submitted, Orb first creates a structured plan to analyze the question deeply. This ensures that the response is not only quick but also accurate and comprehensive.

Orb breaks down complex cryptocurrency-related queries into smaller, manageable steps. It analyzes each step, gathers relevant data, and then synthesizes the information to produce a detailed report. This plan-and-solve, inspired by Plan-and-Solve Prompting and gpt-researcher, process is critical for handling complex queries about market analysis, blockchain technology, and regulatory updates, ensuring that the information is not just surface-level but deeply researched and verified.

4. How Orb Works: The Cryptocurrency-Specific Three-Step Process

Step 1: Planning Agent

When a user submits a question, Orb's planning agent takes the lead by breaking down the cryptocurrency-related problem into specific, actionable questions. Instead of jumping to conclusions, it first analyzes the query and generates related questions that could help broaden the search. For example, if the user asks about a market trend, the agent might also generate questions about regulatory factors or community sentiment that could influence that trend. This process helps Orb focus on the most relevant indicators, market trends, and blockchain data while ensuring no key areas are missed.

Step 2: Web Searching Agent

Once the planning phase is complete, Orb's web searching agent gathers detailed data from various sources. This includes the latest cryptocurrency news, blockchain updates, market signals, community sentiment, and raw data from exchanges. The web searching agent pulls from a wide range of sources to provide a complete, unbiased view of the cryptocurrency landscape. By diversifying its data sources, Orb reduces the risk of bias and ensures that its results are well-rounded and accurate.

Step 3: Synthesis Agent

After gathering the relevant data, Orb's synthesis agent compiles everything into a clear, insightful report. This final report is based on fact-checked, real-time information and delivers actionable insights. Orb ensures that the output is unbiased, pulling from the best available data and cross-referencing multiple sources to provide a reliable answer. Whether the user is seeking market analysis, blockchain details, or regulatory updates, Orb's structured process guarantees that the response is both accurate and comprehensive.

5. Key Benefits of Orb for Cryptocurrency Research

Factual Accuracy:

Orb ensures factual accuracy by constantly drawing on live data from blockchain developments, news outlets, and market trends. Instead of relying on outdated or static information, Orb uses real-time data to deliver insights that reflect the current state of the cryptocurrency market. It's critical to get the most updated and accurate information in simple ways to act on it quickly.

Depth of Research:

Orb's multi-agent approach guarantees a deep dive into cryptocurrency research for traders. By leveraging multiple agents to gather data, Orb covers all angles—market shifts, regulatory changes, community sentiment, and investor behavior. This comprehensive research method ensures that Orb delivers detailed and well-rounded reports that users can trust to make informed decisions.

Minimization of Hallucinations:

One of the most important benefits of Orb is its ability to minimize hallucinations. Unlike traditional AI models that sometimes generate answers based on incomplete or outdated data, Orb bases its reports strictly on sourced, real-time information. This accuracy is crucial in cryptocurrency research, where any deviation from the facts can lead to unreliable conclusions and poor decision-making.

6. Use Cases of Orb in the Cryptocurrency Market

Investment Analysis:

Orb assists traders by delivering in-depth research on market trends and potential investment opportunities. By analyzing live market data, community sentiment, and relevant indicators, Orb helps traders make well-informed decisions and spot emerging trends early.

Blockchain Technology Developments:

Orb also keeps developers and blockchain enthusiasts up to date by tracking and reporting on the latest blockchain advancements. Whether it's updates on new protocols, technical improvements, or security developments, Orb ensures developers stay informed about the latest changes in the ecosystem.

Regulatory Monitoring:

In the highly regulated world of cryptocurrency, staying compliant is key. Orb continuously monitors legal changes and compliance requirements across different regions and markets. By offering real-time updates on regulatory shifts, Orb provides businesses with valuable insights to help them navigate the ever-changing legal landscape of cryptocurrency.

Understanding What Users Are Asking:

Orb gathers data on the types of questions users are asking about cryptocurrency. This information is shared with the community, helping people better understand the trends, concerns, and interests of crypto users. By providing this insight, Orb helps the broader community stay informed about what matters most to those engaged in the crypto space.


Orb, developed by the Cointimes.ai team, provides a powerful solution for cryptocurrency research. By addressing key challenges such as misinformation, outdated data, and biased insights, Orb ensures accurate, real-time analysis that keeps up with the rapidly changing crypto landscape. Its multi-agent approach, including real-time data gathering, a structured plan-and-solve mechanism, and thorough research processes, gives traders, developers, and businesses reliable and actionable insights. Orb's ability to provide deep, fact-checked information and minimize errors makes it an essential tool for navigating cryptocurrency markets effectively. Whether it's investment analysis, blockchain developments, regulatory monitoring, or understanding community trends, Orb stands out as a valuable resource in the crypto community.